Exodus(.)com domain name acquired for $1,945,000 SHEESH!! Acquiring a one word .com domain name for a new brand, startup, or other...

Do You Believe In Your Brand As Much As You Say You Do?
How to. Brand, Marketing Strategies, Hustle, Vision, Blog, Motivation, Free, Tips

6 Traits of a Natural-Born Entrepreneur
6 Traits of a natural-born entrepreneur, hustle, hungry, passion, goals, vision
Creating and Leveraging Rich Relationships
Being kind and friendly breeds likability and trust. People like to do business with others they like and feel are trustworthy. Having a...

It's Never Too Late!
Late bloomers, entrepreneurs, successful, moguls, motivation, brands, vision, innovative, entertainment, tech, blog

#Girls #Empowerment #motivation #Success #goals

Do You Have A Life Vision?
If you were to ask most people what's their life vision, most of them wouldn't be able to give you a specific answer. They'll most...